Add Has Nawaz Sharif been released on bail or not? Islamabad Supreme Court calls for records |
The Supreme Court of Islamabad commented: "First of all, tell us plainly whether Naaz Sharif was released on bail or not? Was the sentence handed down to Nawaz Sharif and still suspended?
ISLAMABAD: The Supreme Court of Islamabad (IHC) on Monday summoned official records relating to former prime minister Nakaz Sharif, who is now overseas, to determine whether the PML-N chief has been released on bail or has left.
The order issued here comes from a special bench made by the Chief of IHC Athar Minallah and Justice Aamer Farooq as they listened to Nakaz's request to appear as Toshakhana's reference representative.
Two former prime minister's appeals have been filed against the court, including a bench press, demanding an eight-week bail application.
Justice Minallah sought Nakaz 'advice on whether [[Nakaz's] bail had expired and what the situation would have been if it had been canceled.
Judge Farooq, on the other hand, said the court had told the Punjab government to look into the matter; Therefore, the IHC bail granted to the respondent is not valid.
According to the IHC ruling, the suspect apparently became a refugee.
When Lawyer's legal lawyer said bail was still valid. The application was sent to the Punjab government, the advice was added, saying he did not have a copy of the order.
-first-OF all- tell us plainly whether naaz Sharif has bail or not? Has the sentence been handed down to Nawaz Sharif and he is still suspended?
In writing, the IHC noted that the former PM's attorney was unable to satisfy the court on the acceptance of his application.
The court had temporarily suspended Nakaz's sentence in the Azizia Steel Mills case on medical grounds due to a medical board set up by the Punjab government.
A written statement said the court had not ordered the removal of Nakaz's name from the ECL. The court was told that the federal Cabinet had withdrawn from the ECL.
The order also read that the coalition government and the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) had not informed the court of the situation after the Prime Minister's sentence was suspended and did not allow the court to remove his name from the ECL.
The PML-N official did not ask permission to go abroad and did not notify the court of his departure, he added
The order states that Nakaz must submit to court before he can obtain a bail application from the Punjab government and can challenge a court order not to grant bail in court
The court accepted the application of the Naaz attorneys' extension to provide for a hearing on the application for admission to the court
He postponed the hearing of the application in the application to declare his former Deputy as Refugee until August 20.
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