Used in Ireland, Philippines, Pakistan, China, Bangladesh, India and almost all over the world. But the real homeland of potatoes is South America. Potatoes were first grown in South America. It was introduced to Europe in the 16th century. It was cultivated in Ireland in 1719. Potatoes were cultivated in the subcontinent in the 17th century.
Missionaries introduced it to the United States in the 19th century. Potatoes are used more than any other vegetable in the world in terms of quantity and quality. And topped with all the vegetables.
Potatoes are grown all year round. Potato is an underground vegetable. Potatoes are found in the roots of plants.
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Potatoes have become an important ingredient in human life. It is also rich in nutrients so it is the most important source of nutrition.
Potatoes are one of the best foods. Potatoes are rich in iron, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. Potatoes are rich in vitamins A, B and C.
In this disease, using potato mixture can get rid of scurvy.
Wrinkles and blemishes
Applying raw and mashed potato juice and pulp on the skin removes wrinkles and blemishes caused by aging.
Potato juice
Raw potato juice is extremely useful for arthritis. In addition, potato juice is also a tried and tested remedy for stomach, intestinal and skin blemishes.
Swelling and joint pain
Massage with potato juice relieves swelling and pain. But before using this juice, boil it so that one-fifth of it evaporates.
Then add a small amount of glycerin. Glycerin works to make it safer. After soaking the affected part, the said juice should be applied like tala (massage medicine). Massage every three hours until the swelling and pain go away.
Potatoes raw
The industrial effect of potatoes is due to potassium, sulfur, phosphorus and chlorine.
But these ingredients remain as long as the potato remains raw. When cooked over a fire, these organic matter turns into inorganic matter and their usefulness is reduced.
For the treatment of arthritis
Potatoes half a kilo and salt fifty grams. Put the potatoes in the oven and fry them, then take them out, peel them and cut them into small pieces, sprinkle with salt and eat them continuously for about a month.
Treatment of stones
If the patient with gallstones is given only potato food and four or five kilos of water is used with it, then inshallah the stone will be disintegrated.
Relax the skin
Potato gives strength to the body and eliminates thinness. If potato is applied or cut on the burnt area, then the pain is relieved.
There is no smallpox at this place. And soon comes relief.
Treatment of gastric ulcer
Red potato juice is good for stomach ulcers. It should be used two or three times a day. In terms of diet, half a cup of juice should be drunk half an hour before eating.
For nourishing and alveolar eyes
peel,a,squash_grate It and squeeze the juice. Very useful for nourishing eyes and pale eyes.
Eliminate wrinkles
Potatoes should be rubbed on the body parts and face before going to bed where wrinkles are appearing. It removes wrinkles and blemishes on the skin as well as brightens the skin

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