Papaya nourishes and nourishes the body, satisfies hunger, digests food and excretes gas. It is useful for people who suffer from constipation. Papaya helps
Papaya nourishes and nourishes the body, satisfies hunger, digests food and excretes gas. It is useful for people who suffer from constipation. Papaya helps in diuretics and excretion of kidney and bladder stones. Papaya is also very beneficial for stomach, liver and spleen patients.
It is not known why papaya is called Samar al-Malaika in Arabic. However, whether papaya has any relation to angels or not, this fruit is of great importance to man in terms of its nutritional and other physical benefits. Papaya contains many important nutrients and also some fluids which have a pleasant effect on the entire digestive system. In addition to protein, starch, fat, and minerals, papaya also contains vitamins A and C.
Papaya nourishes and nourishes the body, satisfies hunger, digests food and excretes gas. It is useful for people who suffer from constipation. Papaya helps in diuretics and excretion of kidney and bladder stones. Papaya is also very beneficial for stomach, liver and spleen patients.
(to be continued)
Papaya is a useful fruit for people of all ages and genders, but seniors with weak stomachs or chronic constipation should make papaya an essential part of their diet.
Papaya contains more carotene than many other fruits, which can be used to convert food into vitamin A. It is a very useful fruit for dieters due to its low calorie content. It is rich in vitamin C. Available in quantity. Papaya is used for many purposes even in its raw state. An essence is also extracted from raw papaya which is called papain.
Among the benefits, it is similar to "pepsin" which speeds up the digestive system. It works to strengthen the stomach and increase the amount of digestive fluids produced in the stomach. Older people have a lack of digestive fluids. Due to which it becomes very difficult for them to digest protein foods, Paypan helps in digestion of such foods.
It is also used to treat stomach worms.
Cutting long slices of raw papaya and placing them in the sun gives white moisture to the slices. It is called papain. Raw papaya, its milky moisture, is used to digest hard meat. Raw papaya pickle and sauce. It is also made. It is especially useful in inflammation or enlargement of the spleen.
For hardness and swelling of the spleen, it is considered useful to put its slices in grape vinegar as a pickle and eat it after eight to ten days. It is also used to help stomach worms. And it tastes good. Its lick is also delicious, adding lentils, potatoes, lemons, etc. to it is rich in natural multivitamins and
The use of papaya provides valuable nutrients to the blood and cleanses the blood and makes the skin and face red. The use of papaya purifies the blood and makes the bile thinner and reaches the small intestine in large quantities. , Thus increasing the power of digestion. Eating papaya after greasy and heavy foods makes the food easier to digest. Raw papaya is also useful for strengthening the digestive system and intestines.
Digestion is maintained by using a little bit of salt and salt to taste.
Papaya is also good for women but it should not be used in large quantities during pregnancy. Especially raw papaya is not at all. Raw drink juice is said to be useful for uterine diseases. If eaten in large quantities, women's menstrual courses are released openly.
Papaya not only protects health but also enhances beauty and skin attractiveness and requires clean blood, strong digestion. The pulp of this fruit is also included in facial creams and hair shampoos. Fruit peels, which contain a substance called papain, are also used to apply beauty masks on the face and are also used in gas medicines. In African countries, papaya pulp is being used as an ointment for wounds and to treat tumors.
A ripe papaya is high in Vitamin A, Steel and Vitamin C. Because of its high content of Vitamin A, it is also called a natural tonic for hair growth and skin radiance. When a papaya branch is broken, a few drops of milky white liquid is obtained. It brightens the complexion and complexion and removes blemishes and shadows from the face.
As much as papaya is considered to be effective for the digestive system, the benefits of this fruit are also recognized for its immediate effect on the skin. Papaya contains abundant amount of enzymes which improve the overall health of the skin. Used to apply on old wounds. Papaya is beneficial in skin care due to its skin protection and body absorption properties.
The powerful enzymes present in papaya have a rapid effect on nail pimples, pimples, freckles and wrinkles. Vitamins A and C rejuvenate the skin. It also has the property of increasing and cleansing dead cells. Antioxidants like beta carotene increase the amount of collagen in the skin.
Papaya juice also acts as a natural sunblock. It eliminates sunburn caused by rays. Papaya pulp is used to brighten the skin color. Papaya also gives new life to dull hair. Papaya The part between the seeds where the seeds are present contains more enzymes than the whole fruit in the pulp around the seeds.
Here are some helpful tips that can be useful for your skin and hair.
For scree
Make a paste by mixing one cup of cooked papaya kagoda, half a cup of banana pulp, half a cup of coconut milk and four drops of my essential oil daily, all the ingredients. Massage this paste into scalp and hair. Then wash your hair thoroughly with lukewarm water.
Mix a quarter cup of cooked papaya pulp, a teaspoon of almond powder, a teaspoon of oat powder and a quarter of a teaspoon of honey and put it in an airtight bottle.
Face mask
Make a paste of a quarter of ripe papaya, four teaspoons of green multani mud and a teaspoon of aloe vera gel and apply it on the face and neck.
After 20 minutes, rinse with cold water.
Mix three teaspoons of pure honey, half a teaspoon of olive oil and one teaspoon of papaya juice. Wash face with lukewarm water and massage with moisturizers on moist skin. Wash face after 15 minutes. Better results. Use twice a week. Massage this scrub on the face and neck with light hands. When the paste starts to explode on the face, apply more paste and massage.
Leave on for 20 minutes then wash face and neck with cold water. This scrub rejuvenates the skin by meeting its nutritional needs. For blemishes and redness, a slice of cooked papaya, half a teaspoon of turmeric powder and a teaspoon of Mix a tablespoon of arrowroot and apply it on the spots and redness of the face. When the paste is dry, wash your face with cold water, use for a few days for better results.

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